European Barberry
A deciduous prickly shrub with green foliage and pendulous racemes of small yellow flowers in Spring and red berries in Autumn. Berberis vulgaris makes a good barrier hedge. For those interested in fruiting and wildlife hedges. Its edible but rather tart berries are abundant in Autumn, are high in Vitamin C and can be eaten raw or used to make jams. A much-used plant in Homoeopathy and in much older times it was also used to make a yellow dye. Birds, in particular, like the berries and use its branches for nesting.
Site: Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any well-drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of Interest: Yellow flowers in Spring, red berries in Autumn
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 8ft (2.5m) Spread: 6ft (2m)
Hedge spacing: 18'' (45cm) apart